Panel: Supporting immigrant-origin students in US public school districts: Reflections from a mixed-methods research study

10/17/2022 - Panel: Supporting immigrant-origin students in US public school districts: Reflections from a mixed-methods research study


This interdisciplinary research team will present key insights from an ongoing mixed-methods research study of educator practices in 6 immigrant-serving school districts in distinct contexts of reception. They will share an overview of our project, present insights from three key analyses, and reflect on our partnership with district leaders to document and develop promising practices to support immigrant-origin students.


Dr. Rebecca Lowenhaupt (co-PI; Boston College)Dr Ariana Mangual Figueroa (CUNY Graduate Center).Paulette Andrade Gonzalez (Boston College)Jennifer Queenan (CUNY Graduate Center)Edom Tesfa (Harvard University)

Open to all but please register ahead!