Entries by Andrena Mason


My Undocumented Life College Scholarships Blog provides information on the latest scholarship opportunities for undocumented students, including national, regional, and state-level undergraduate and graduate scholarships. Immigrants Rising provides a rolling list of scholarships available to the community. United We Dream – Scholarships for Undocumented Students and DACA Recipients: This is an excellent platform for finding […]


Harvard Representation Initiative offers psychosocial support services for Harvard students with liminal documentation status. We offer social work support to all clients as part of their legal representation. Our clinical social work team can assist with emotional support, health insurance issues, financial concerns, food insecurity, and other resources on and off campus. Call (617) 495-6648 […]


Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program is one of the oldest immigrants’ rights clinics in the country. The Clinic has supervised thousands of Harvard students representing individuals seeking asylum and other forms of humanitarian protection in the United States. The Clinic has also engaged in cutting-edge policy advocacy and appellate litigation before the Board of […]